The unframed line drawings by Francesca DeComyn have been produced in limited editions of 25 signed and numbered prints. Each comes with a light grey coloured mount and information regarding the plaque. They measure 8" x 10" with the mount.
Please Note: Limited edition prints of the plaques are available by contacting us via our contact form.
Contact UsLimited Edition of Print No. 8– Pals
Camaraderie between miners was vital, often lifesaving in such a harsh environment. Using canaries to detect toxic gas was another life saver. If carbon monoxide was present, the canary would stop singing or drop off its perch and the team would retreat to fresh air taking themselves and the bird out of danger.
The bronze plaque was sponsored by McArthurGlen Designer Outlet, West Midlands.
Information about the artist, Francesca DeComyn can be found here:
Limited Edition Prints – Chase Arts For Public Spaces (CHAPS)